SkySA Guide

A written guide to SkySA

Skyrim | April 18, 2022

The Adventure Continues With Attack MCO|DXP

SkySA is not maintained and no further movesets will be made for it

What is SkySA?

SkySA is an animation framework. It is the first mod to implement an attack commitment. It broke the animation wall and is at the origin of the 2021 animation revolution. Your movement will be locked during the animation, like in every modern game. It puts an end to the ice skating combat where you control your character like the Pong bar

The changes are so profound that with only SkySA and a stagger mod, the game will already be a lot better. Of course you can improve it more

This movement lock enhances the gameplay and gives creative freedom to the animators. The movesets do not require SkySA just to annoy you, SkySA allows them to exist. No you cannot just use AMR. You need both SkySA and AMR

SkySA’s success is due to the animators. They work with it because all I already did all the tedious background work. The barrier to entry is completely removed. Everybody can make a moveset, it doesn’t require any form of knowledge. The animators only have to focus on making good animations

Convert SkySA movesets to Attack MCO|DXP

Click here for the video guide

  • Download and install .NET5 Runtime and HKCT 2010 X64

  • Download HKanno64 and the converter and put them in the same folder. HKanno64 isn’t just the exe file. You need the folders with it

  • Copy your SkySA animation into the folder with HKanno64 and the converter inside

  • Convert one moveset at a time. Only the skysa animations are processed. If an animation doesn’t have “skysa” in its name it doesn’t need conversion

  • You will be prompted to enter a speedmult. This allows you to accelerate or slow down movesets. If you’re not sure, set it to 1

  • Launch the “SkySA to MCO converter.exe”

Changes from v1.9 (Nexus) to v2 (SkyrimGuild)

Converter Changelog